Reporting Tags
Within reports, specific tags are available to enable automatic generation of user, project, scenario and asset level details. These are specified within the label section as specific strings to enable the appropriate outcome and details to be included into sentences. These strings include:
- %VERSION% returning the current session version
- %DR1% returning the user specified discount rate 1
- %DR2% returning the user specified discount rate 2
- %REPORTNAME% returning the current report’s name
- %WI% returning the interest type selected within the current report (e.g. Gross, WI, Net)
- %REAL% returning the Real / Nominal selection within the current report
- %ASSOLD% returning the As-Produced / As-Sold selection within the current report
- %REPORTCURRENCY% returning the currency utilized within the current report
- %PROJECTNAME% returning the project’s name
- %SCENARIONAME% returning the currently active scenario’s name
- %ASSETNAME% returning the currently selected asset’s name
- %CONSTRAINTS% returning if constraints where enabled or disabled for the scenario
- %DOWNTIME% returning if downtime is active within the scenario
- %ECONOMICLIMIT% returning if the economic limit was enabled or disabled for the scenario
- %ESCALATE% returning if escalation is enabled at the scenario level
- %RISK% returning which risk setting was utilized for the scenario
- %PROJECTCURRENCY% returning the currency specified at the project level
- %RANDOM% enables returning a random number between 0 and 1
Unit Labels - although you would mostly use the Type of Unit Label, if you need to include the result within a sentence, these would provide a way to dynamically update and remain true despite different users having large/medium or imperial/metric unit selections.
- %MONEY% returns the units for money values e.g. m$
- %MONEYSYMBOL% returns the symbol for money e.g. $
- %FLUIDRATE% returns the units for fluid rates e.g. bbl/d
- %FLUIDVOLUME% returns the units for fluid volumes e.g. bbl
- %FLUIDRESERVE% returns the units for fluid reserves e.g. mbbl
- %GASRATE% returns the units for gas rates e.g. mcf/d
- %GASVOLUME% returns the units for gas volumes e.g. mcf
- %GASRESERVE% returns the units for gas reserves e.g. mmcf